A simple set of posted instructions and a floor plan with an egress (escape) route highlighted. This is useful for Residential homes and Townhouses that don’t have fire panels, Commercial or Retail chains & tenants in a Mall or multi-tenant environment(s). This is not generally for buildings that have a fire panel since they must meet National, Provincial or State Code Requirements. Evacuation Plans are best suited to occupancies that do not have a dedicated Fire Panel for their space, are a Tenant in a Retail Mall or strip mall, a townhouse complex, Tenants in a Commercial facility, etc.
Request a Quote*Price Includes floor plans in an MS PowerPoint format. If you would prefer AutoCAD format, we can provide this format at an additional cost.
Professional Signage for posting Floor Plans is also available in several designs including Plexi (most popular) and Direct Print on Brushed Aluminum. Prices for 11” x 17” (most popular size) floor plan mounts, 8.5” x 11” floor plan mounts, and custom sizes are available upon request. Pricing is also available for clear Plexi Fire Safety Plan Boxes.